Thursday, May 26, 2011

Break Time!

Hey all!

Moving day is almost upon us and I'm going to be taking a break from blogging and meal planning so I probably won't be updating much. Hopefully once we get settled I'll be able to pick back up with this because I really enjoy creating my meal plans - especially when I follow through and things turn out yummy!

One little announcement before I'm off for a while - I think I've finally decided what I want to do with myself {at least as a slightly profitable hobby?!} And if it works out to be more than that, well then that's wonderful. So far, I'm enjoying myself :)
Introducing... Katrina Schultz Photography!!! What do you think?? Obviously it's still in the working stages but I'm having so much fun! Anyway, along the way {mostly just so I can say I picked up my camera every day} I started a 365 Blog - a picture a day basically.

A little Landon update: We officially got tooth number 3 yesterday! I've been wondering when it would make an appearance because he's been quite the grumpster for a solid week now. We've also learned tempur tantrums, hitting and throwing. All fun things... did we skip one and go straight to the terrible two's??? Hrm...

Anyway, I'll leave you with a little Landon love :) Till next time!
During one of our happier moments of the week :)


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