Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Here We Go Again...


We are so excited to announce that our little family of 3 is on it's way to 4! Landon is getting SO big! We just celebrated his 3rd birthday party this last weekend and announced to our family that come fall of this year (Halloween is actually my due date!) he will be a big brother! 

I'm REALLY nervous about posting this... I announced with Landon at something like 6 weeks?! If I knew then what I know now. Sheesh. But we're almost 10 weeks and I've seen that little heart beat plugging along at 150 beats per minute so I hope all continues to go well. My next ultrasound (our NT scan) is April 19th and I'll have my next appointment with our new midwife Dr. J the week after that.

I've (yet again) been a bad blogger but I got really into updating while I was pregnant with Landon so I hope I can get back into updating again. How many times have I said that? 

Anyway. Stay tuned for pregnancy updates, Landon updates, meal plans and hopefully updates on building our forever home! Here's a little sneak peek into that:

Stay tuned!!!