Wednesday, August 26, 2009

9 Weeks Down... 31 To Go!

So I wish I could say that I've been doing all kinds of cooking and I've got some fabulous new recipe to share but I've been SO TIRED! I've been a bad blogger too... I've got to get on the ball and keep this updated!

Anyway, Baby Schultz is now 9 weeks and 3 days! I really like that compares the baby to fruit and veggies... not only does it give me ideas for my next craving but it helps me explain things for Adam. Not that I've even been through this but we've got to have some common sense here. The other day he asked me if I could feel the little gummy bear moving around in there. Um... no babe, I cannot feel something the size of an olive moving around in my belly! But you sure are cute for asking!

Here's what Baby Schultz is up to this week:

Baby's now the size of a green olive!
Your little embryo has now officially graduated to fetus-hood. Adding to the excitement, a Doppler ultrasound device might be able to pick up the beating heart. With basic physical structures in place and increasingly distinct facial features, baby is kind of starting to look like...well...a baby!

As far as how I'm feeling it's been kind of well... un-eventful?! Honestly, it makes me question if it's still really true?! I've had no morning sickness and no food aversions - well other than the smell of Adam's cocktail one night almost made me hurl but that's probably a good thing! Hey it could have made me crave it and that could have been bad!

What I am feeling is just a little more hungry than normal. Eating 3 meals a day is a must... if not 6 to keep the minimal queasiness at bay. I can now drink a whole glass of milk - this would have sent me running to the potty 2 months ago. I haven't really had too many cravings - just the occasional I have to have it NOW item. Last weekend it was lime popsicles.... YUM!

Ok it's still lime popsicles! :-) And last but definitely the most predominant symptom, I want to sleep ALL-THE-TIME! It doesn't make a difference if I get 6 hours or 12 hours... I wake up tired and by 2pm I need a nap.

Anyway, that's where we're at... 9 weeks down, 31 to go!!!

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