Rather... Landon is hot, momma :(
First of all, I thought he was spoiling me by cuddling with me yesterday morning until just after 9am! Wohoo! But further examination while we were getting him dress was that he was burning up - with a temperature of 103! Oiy! After a minor freak out by me, a dose of Tylenol and a call into Dr. C: we were to monitor him, dose him with Tylenol every 4-6 hours or as needed and if it's still over 101 after 24 hours to bring him into the clinic to see if there was something underlying going on.
Side note: He's teething right? Did you know a lot of doctors don't believe that fever is associated with teething??? I've always heard that... but anyway, that's what Dr. C said. She says, for the most part she disagrees, but she also said that generally a "teething fever" is low grade and generally no higher than 100-101.
Let me say... I have one HAPPY baby for having a temperature above 100! He's smiley and running around like normal, a little clingy but for the most part alright.
After getting up at 9am he surprisingly was ready for a nap by 10:30am. He slept for a good two hours and when he got up his temp was normal. Wohoo! Well, 4 hours later, he's burning up again and it's hovering right around 100. So I gave him anther dose of Tylenol and we went on with our day. When Adam got home from work he could just tell that he wasn't feeling well. His face was flushed and he was really whiny so when we checked him again he was back up to 102 :( Poor guy... I was thiiiiiis close to taking him down to the clinic but Adam thought I should give it the 24 hours like Dr. C said and wait until morning. So we waited.
Ugh. Landon hasn't gotten up in the middle of the night in I don't know HOW long. But.... he was up at 3am, and 5am, and 6am, and then finally we got out of bed at 8:30. Momma.is.tired!!! His temp this morning was right around 100 so we gave him some Tylenol and he seemed to have an OK morning. He just played like normal, he ate fine, and was smiley! :)
Sorry... no pictures today - I'm off to bed. :(